Diary Post: Inspiration in the Little Things
September 20, 2016
Hey all!
I just came back from a company trip from Las Vegas! I had a blast eating delicious food, participating in fun team building events, and checking out different booths in the convention we were apart of. Vegas is such a vibrant city filled with bright colorful lights and amazing performers! It seems like the city never sleeps, and I couldn’t help but feel so inspired by all the liveliness that was going on around me! I was buzzing with excitement! I couldn’t wait to go back to my hotel room to write in my journal and crank out some blog posts! Unfortunately time didn’t permit for that to happen, but I thought “Oh well, NBD, I can totally push some posts out when I get home!”
Although Vegas is only about an hour and a half plane ride away from where I live, all the planning and traveling from the week really took a toll on my body, and upon arriving home, I couldn’t help but feel drained. I felt defeated and was stuck wondering “Where did all my drive and inspiration go?!” I was trying to desperately stick to my schedule of posting at least once a week, but all I wanted to do was to sit my booty down in front of my laptop and watch Netflix while inhaling a giant bag of Hot Cheetos Fries (… and that’s exactly what I did!) Although I was stuck in a slump this past weekend, I still managed to find a little beauty and inspiration to drive me to get my ambition back!

Here are 3 Little Things that Inspired Me this Weekend:
Rest & Relaxation:
While it’s important to work hard and stay inspired, it’s also important to listen to your body. I could’ve easily cranked out a blog post last week, but I wanted it to be of value and not to just post something on my blog for the sake of posting. While going on a short break from posting, I took some time to pamper myself, which was a great idea because that’s what inspired me with an idea for a upcoming post. (Stay tuned, it’ll be out later this week!)
My Neighborhood:
I was lucky enough to have amazing weather on my side this weekend! My boyfriend, Jeffrey, and I took a walk up the beautiful 16th Ave. Tiled Steps. It was clear enough where you could actually see the buildings in the financial district. I also took another walk with my sister in the afternoon to buy some snacks from our local grocery store. Being outdoors and in the sun helps clear your mind up, and it really made me appreciate how beautiful my town can be :)
I know i’m like a million years late, but this weekend was the weekend that I finally decided to buy Beyonce’s lemonade album off of iTunes. However, what I didn’t realize was that with the purchase of the album, I would be receiving a copy of her visual album as well so that was a nice little surprise :) I watched the visual album with my sister, and we were both equally blown away by the cinematography! (Seriously, if you haven’t checked it out you need to do it right now!!) The visuals and imagery were so beautifully captured, and it left me feeling inspired and challenged to capture images in the same hauntingly beautiful way that her team did it.
Falling into slumps is inevitable, but what’s important is finding even the smallest things in life to help re-energize you! What are some small everyday things that inspire you?