A-Z About Me
September 3, 2016
For this week's post, I thought I'd do a fun little blurb about myself, since I haven't really shared too much about myself on my blog yet! (It took me months to get myself to finish my About Me tab, heheh.) I went on Pinterest to get some inspiration on how to go about it, and I stumbled upon the A-Z About Me posts that seemed to be very popular in the blogger community. Alright here goes!
A - Art. I grew up in a family of artists. My dad a photographer & poet. My mom an incredible water painter. My sister, the photographer, painter, charcoal drawing, crafting, etc. etc. etc. (Seriously, is there anything she doesn't do?!)
B - Blogging. I started this blog as a hobby to help hone in on my photography, writing, and editing skills. It's also a great way to document hobbies, travel, etc. I'm trying to be more consistent in blogging as it is my intended creative outlet.
C - Concerts. Music is a huge part of my life, so having the chance to see my favorite musicians perform in real life is something I never want to miss out on. If I'm to be honest, a chunk of my money each month goes towards attending musical events :)
D - Daydreamer. Ever since I was a little kid, I've been an avid daydreamer. I find it easy to get lost in my own thoughts!
E - Eyeliner. You will NEVER catch me leaving the house without eyeliner! On most days, I like to sport a clean subtle cat-eye, but on nights out, I like my eyeliner sharp enough to cut a man! Jk, but currently my favorite eyeliner is the Tattoo Liner by Kat Von D.
F - Fitbit. Not to be dramatic, but owning a FitBit has changed my life. I'm secretly an extremely competitive person so being able to challenge my friends to "Weekend Warrior" and "Daily Showdowns" helps make reaching my step goal extremely fun :) I currently own a FitBit Alta.
G - Goal Oriented. Trust me, if I tell you I'm going to do something, you best believe it'll be done! I have a lot of different dreams and ambitions. (A future post about this perhaps?)
H - Hong Kong. I spent a semester abroad living in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. I learned so much, and although I was only there for 6 short months, Hong Kong will always be a second home to me.
I - Introvert. My Myers-Briggs personality trait indicates INFP, which I have to admit is pretty spot on. I love spending time with my family & friends, but I also really value my own alone time as well!
J - Jeffrey. My wonderful, loving, loser of a boyfriend of 4 years :) You best believe he will be making more appearances on my blog.
K - Kitchens. My favorite room in any house because that is seriously where all the magic and happiness is made!
L - Lists. I love creating lists! Everything from to-do lists, shopping lists, reading lists, "things I love " lists, ALL THE LISTS!
M - Makeup. Although I pretty much use the same products in my day to day life, I personally find the process of applying makeup to be very relaxing.
O - Omgchristieleex. My blog handle! This is inspired by one of my volleyball teammates back in high school. She used to chant "Ohh. Emm. Gee. Chris. Tee. Lee!" every time I went up to serve or spike the ball, haha.
P - Planner. I'm a tiny bit obsessed with my planner. I spend a little time each morning before starting work to sort out a small to-do list of the day.
Q - Quiet. Most people would describe me as being quiet, as I listen way more than I speak. Don't get me wrong though, once we start talking about a topic I'm super passionate about, you can't get me to shut up :)
R - Reading. I like to buy books and read them off my iPad. My two favorite genres are YA and mystery.
S - Stationary. I LOVE stationary. My current favorites that I use everyday include Gel-Ink Muji pen sets, my purple polka-dotted Moleskin Journal, and my Eccolo 18 Month Planner.
T - Tea. Coffee tends to overstimulate me (introvert problems, lol) so having a nice warm cup of tea in the morning always sets the mood for the day. My favorite teas are: green, jasmine, and earl gray.
U - Uni. MMMM, I love Japanese food! Sushi, sashimi, ramen, YAAASSS!! Lol also, it was really hard thinking of something that started with a "U."
V - Volunteer. One of my goals to complete by the end of next year (2017) is to start volunteering. I'm going to aim to find an organization I feel strongly about and log in some hours giving back to others. Please let me know if there are any noteworthy organizations I should be looking in to :)
W - Writing. I'm definitely not the great writer out there, but it's one of my hobbies. I hope one day I will be brave enough to share some bits and pieces with you all!
X - X-Mas. First of all, I hate spelling Christmas as "X-Mas" but I couldn't think of anything else I liked that started with an "X." Christmas is my favorite time of year, not to mention it's only a few days before my birthday :)
Y - YouTube. I spend a lot of my free time watching YouTube videos. My favorite YouTube channels are: bubzvlogz, clothesencounters, and justkiddingnews. Check them out!
Z - Zest. Omg, it was so hard to think of something that started with a "Z!" I literally had to pull up the dictionary app on my Mac and scroll through the list of "Z" words, haha! But hey, everyone likes a little zest in their life, whether it be through someone's "great enthusiasm and energy" or the yummy flavoring that comes from fruits :)
There you have it. I hope you enjoyed that little snippet about me! A big hug to all of you that made it through this extremely long post about myself! Enough about me, what are some fun facts about yourself?